I am writing you this letter
regarding the bill you are trying to pass concerning my beloved four-legged family members. I oppose SB 861 as
amended June 21st, Dangerous and vicious dogs, and register our/my opposition for inclusion on the Bill Analysis in the Assembly. We DO NOT SUPPORT SB 861. I feel that it is horrible what some families are going through with their loss, pain and suffering from either a kill or dog bite. I also feel that you are going about it in the wrong way. There are many different things you could do to help this situation which we are facing with dog bites within all breeds not just with the American Pit Bull Terrier. My dogs have never shown signs of aggression towards me or my family, I am a responsible pet owner and would never tolerate such behavior from any animal. What we are facing is irresponsibility amongst many immature and not so smart people. Why should the responsible ones like myself and many others that I know have to suffer from others mistakes. First of all I feel that there should be harsher punishments for those that train these animals for illegal use such as fighting which
I think is cruel and disgusting. Maybe if there were harsher jail sentences for such crimes there might not be as much people doing these inhumane things to this breed of dogs. I also feel that you should have harsher punishments for those that are irresponsible and that allow these inexcusable
incidents such as the recent attacks that have occurred. Do you ever take into consideration the positive that this breed has contributed to the community as well, there is a website that has a lot of information about this breed that you might not be aware of it is at
www.understand-a-bull.com I really hope that you search deep within your heart and consider even looking into what you are doing with your eyes wide open instead of closed to the reality of what is really going on. The above photo is of my children and my dogs who stay by their side with nothing but love for them. These animals express much love, Dedication and loyalty beyond our belief.....I really hope you can look to punish the deeds of those who are
irresponsible, neglectful and abusive and not punish the breed. I was born and raised in California but if this passes I will one of the many thousands that will make my home in another state that is accepting of my whole family which includes this beloved breed you are trying to punish. Thank You for your time and consideration, I will pray that you will find peace within yourself so that you may make better choices and come to some conclusion which would actually be of some
benefit and help this situation instead of trying to make a quick fix to have a few people happy. Just one more thing I would like to add because I feel it necessary...............While I write this to you there are many who have raped,
molested, or even killed who run a muck on the streets today with the possibility that my children could get hurt from these sick individuals, I assure you my children are safe in my house with my A.P.B.T. yet I am hesitant to let my children walk to
their schools because there are registered sex offenders who live right next to
their schools.......I feel that there are much more pressing issues at hand that you and your
colleagues could be spending your time with to help make this state a safer and better place. Thank You,
2 Republicans. It will need 4 aye votes to pass. Remember that
California legislators frequently do not vote rather than record
a "No" vote - and this is just as effective as a "No."
The Honorable Simon Salinas (D-2 Salinas - Committee Chair
State Capitol, Room 2175
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0028
Phone (916) 319-2028
(Fax) 916-319-2138
Assemblymember.Salinas@assembly.ca.gov The Honorable Bill Emmerson (R-63) Rancho Cucamonga - Vice Chari
State Capitol, Room 3149
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0063
(Phone 916) 319-2063
Fax (916) 310-2163
assemblymember.emmerson@assembly.ca.gov The Honorable Hector De La Torre (D-50) South Gate
State Capitol, Room 4162
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0050
Phone (916) 319-2050
Fax (916) 319-2150
The Honorable Guy S. Houston (R-15) Livermore
State Capitol, Room 2130
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0015
Phone (916) 319-2015
Fax (916) 319-2115
Assemblymember.Houston@assembly.ca.gov The Honorable Sally J. Lieber D-22) Mountain View
State Capitol, Room 3091
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0022
Phone (916) 319-2022
Fax (916) 319-2122
Assemblywoman.lieber@assembly.ca.gov The Honorable Joe Nation (D-6) San Rafael
State Capitol, Room 5119
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0006
Phone (916) 319-2006
Fax (916) 319-2106
Joe.Nation@asm.ca.gov The Honorable Lois Wolk (D- Vacaville
State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849
Room 6012
Sacramento, CA 94249-0008
Phone (916) 319-2008
Fax (916) 319-2118
Assemblymember.wolk@assembly.ca.gov AUTHOR:
Senator Jackie Speier (D- Hillsborough
State Capitol, Room 2032
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone (916) 445-0503
Fax 916-327-2186
Senator.Speier@sen.ca.gov INTERESTED IN CO-AUTHORING
The Honorable Noreen Evans
(D-7) Santa Rosa
State Capitol, Room 6025
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0007
Phone (916) 319-2007
Fax (916) 319-2107
No Email
Link page for all Assembly members:
http://www.assembly.ca.gov/acs/acsframeset7text.htm *****
*a service of THE ANIMAL COUNCIL
P.O. BOX 168, MILLBRAE CA 94030
Contact us at <TheAnimalCouncil@aol.com>
Incorporated 1991, tax exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(4)
Online news updates published sporadically since 1997.
Legislative tracking subject to change. CA bill and law information
http://www.leginfo.ca.gov Federal info at <http://thomas.loc.gov/>