are a hundred million dogs and cats in America. We cuddle
them, talk to them, make them part of the family. Every year
we buy them $5 billion worth of food, not to mention collars,
bowls, flea spray, vaccinations and little pink sweaters...
love our "pets." Except, of course, when we have
to move, or get tired of walking them, or sick of paying the
vet bills. Then we abandon them. By the millions. We tell
ourselves theyll find a new home, but the truth is,
when we drop them off at the animal shelter, we drop them
off to die.
many unwanted dogs and cats, so few homes for them. They get
handed over to the dog pound, abandoned in parking lots, let
loose in parks, or simply allowed to drift away from home
and never searched for: mangy mutts, elegant purebreds, pit
bull pups, fluffy kittens, dogs that look like Rin-Tin-Tin,
and Lassie, and Toto.
take their cats to the shelter and say they want to get rid
of them because the animals dont match the colors of
their new decorating scheme. They want a new cat, one thats
color-coordinated. Some people go on vacation and drop off
an animal; they dont want to spend the money on boarding;
they say theyll pick up a new dog or cat when they get
result: four out of five dogs and cats are left unclaimed.
Those unclaimed are given a lethal injection of sodium pentobarbital.
Then they are thrown into a large plastic hamper, wheeled
outside and tossed like bags of garbage into an incinerator.
Nationwide, between 7 million and 10 million unwanted dogs
and cats are killed each year (the numbers are inexact, because
this is one subject few want to research). Mans best
friend has become mans biggest victim.
See Spot Die by John Dorschner
site also features other ways humans use and abuse dogs
and cats: dog racing, cat and dog eating, cat and dog research,
to list just a few. Visit our Resources
and Links sections to learn more.

Cats and Dogs In the Name of Mercy:
An Animals Voice Production
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