UPDATE: Attempt to Repeal the Hayden Law Through the State Budget

In his effort to solve the budget crisis, California Governor Schwarzenegger attempted to take a hatchet to years of laws that were enacted to protect abused and abandoned animals. The result was the "behind closed doors" repeal of the Hayden bill. Two of the most disturbing elements of the Governor's proposed budget were the return of the animal holding period to only 72 hours for all animals (stray and relinquished) in animal shelters and the elimination of the requirement that shelters seek veterinary care for animals at the shelter.

Good news! Governor Schwarzenegger announced to the media on Friday that he made a terrible mistake proposing the repeal of the Hayden law. He said he loves animals and his daughter was of particular influence in recognizing the situation this repeal would have created. Clearly, the Governor heard our voices!

Please thank Governor Schwarzenegger for recognizing the value of the Hayden legislation and tell him we look forward to working with him on legislation to protect animals in the future. You can contact the Governor at http://www.govmail.ca.gov/.

Posted 06/28/04

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