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Talk to AKC about the "Paws Act"!! Saturday evening, August 6th at the Dixon-May Fairgrounds. Click on the link to legislation to find out more!
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logo To Visitors of this site:

We hope this site will be of assistance to you in finding reputable breeders of more than 60 AKC-registered breeds. In this age of the puppy-mill industry, it is most important that potential dog owners be put in contact with ethical, non-commercial breeders, those who breed for love and not for profit. Breeders listed here can advise potential buyers on what to expect from the particular breed they are considering. Those who purchase a puppy will always have a ready source of information and guidance as their pet matures. Best of all, they will be assured of buying a healthy, well-socialized puppy that has been raised in a loving home.    Board of Directors

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A Call to Arms (ink pens)!!

Time is critical to contact your state Assembly Member and let him/her know the facts. Please do it now.
TO:   Members, Sacramento Council of Dog Clubs
FROM:   Joan Gibson Reid, Legislative Coordinator, Sacramento Council of Dog Clubs
RE:   California State Senate Bill 861 - Opposition Letter/Calls Needed

Senate Bill 861, introduced by Senator Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco), regarding breed specific mandates by local government cleared the Assembly Local Government Committee on June 29 on a 4-3 vote.* Current state law does not permit breed-specific ordinances and regulations. As introduced, SB 861 would have allowed cities and counties the power to enact any regulations aimed at specific dog breeds. As last amended on the day of the committee hearing, the bill allows cities and counties to enact breed specific mandates that pertain only to spay/neuter and breeding requirements.

SB 861 is now on the Assembly floor for a vote by all the Assembly Members.

It is urgent that you write to your Assembly Member ASAP and voice your opposition to this bill. Although the Sacramento Council of Dog Clubs has written in opposition to the measure, more impact is made when a Member hears directly from his or her constituent, the person who votes in his/her district. Since the Legislature ends its Summer Recess and reconvenes August 15th.the bill will be up for vote after that date, so contact your Member as soon as possible.

To find out who represents you in the Assembly go to Point out to your Assembly Member that breed-specific laws do not protect citizens in a community. Irresponsible owners who choose/use a breed for malicious purposes -- protecting their drug operation, for example - will merely segue to another breed and the breeding of that next breed will be regulated.

Point out that breed-specific laws are difficult to enforce. Correct identification of breeds is essential for enforcement, and if those enforcing the law are not knowledgeable, law suits may follow. Further, as the dog choice changes, the list of targeted breeds will expand and responsible breeders will be impacted. Point out that strong enforcement of current animal control laws -- and hiring sufficient personnel to do effective enforcement -- is the solution. For more information and suggested comments, go to and Act quickly -- pretend you're meeting an entry deadline -- and contact your Member ASAP. The slippery slope is rapidly becoming more slippery.

* Ayes:
  • Assembly Member Simon Salinas (D - 28) Salinas
  • Assembly Member Sally J. Lieber (D - 22) Mountain View
  • Assembly Member Joe Nation (D-6) San Rafael
  • Assembly Member Lois Wolk (D- 8) Davis
  • Assembly Member Hector De La Torre (50 - D) Southgate (LA)
  • Assembly Member Bill Emmerson (63 - R) Redlands
  • Assembly Member Dennis Mountjoy (59 - R) Monrovia
UPDATE AS OF 7/8/2005
SENATE BILL 861 (Speier)

Senate Bill 861 will be in the Assembly on the third Reading File beginning Monday, August 15th. It takes only a majority vote of the 80-Member Assembly to pass this bill. Please get your letters and phone calls to your Assembly Member ASAP.

SB 861, as amended, Speier. Dangerous and vicious dogs.
SEC. 2. Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 122330) is added to Part 6 of Division 105 of the Health and Safety Code, to read:
     (a) Cities and counties may enact dog breed-specific ordinances pertaining only to mandatory spay or neuter programs and breeding requirements.
     (b) Jurisdictions that implement programs described in subdivision (a) shall measure the effect of those programs by compiling statistical information on dog bites. The information shall, at a minimum, identify dog bites by severity, the breed of the dog involved, whether the dog was altered, and whether the breed of dog was subject to a program established pursuant to subdivision (a). These statistics shall be submitted quarterly to the State Veterinarian.

To read more about this bill and other legislation in California pertaining to dog ownership, please click on [HERE] to link to the Council's Legislation page.

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